Billing Inquires?
Please contact
Lori White at: (Preferred)
or call 410-798-0191
We participate with most major insurance plans. We will submit claims for participating insurances. Please see our billing section for a current list of the insurance companies we participate with. Yearly updates of registrations and insurance cards help to keep our charts current. Please bring your insurance card with you to each visit. Copayments are expected at the time of service in order to avoid late fees.
Participating Insurances:
(Provider ID’s are in parentheses)
Blue Cross/Blue Shield Federal Employee Program (T969)
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Maryland – PPN/PPO/POS (LY05GV)
Blue Cross/Blue Shield National Account (LY05GV)
Carefirst Administrators
Carefirst Blue Choice (T969)
Cigna (2636967)
Johns Hopkins Health Plan – EHP (38200)
Tricare – Standard only (We only submit to Tricare as a courtesy to our patients.)
United Health Care Plan (943882)
**List subject to change without notice**